5. Install Kubernetes Modules
Setup Kubernetes Modules
On this page, we will explain how to install the modules that will be used on the cluster from the client nodes.
All the processes introduced here will be done on the client nodes.
Helm is one of the package management tools that helps to deploy and manage resources related to Kubernetes packages at once.
- Download Helm version 3.7.1 into the current folder.
For Linux amd64
wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.7.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Other OS refer to the official website for the download path of the binary that matches the OS and CPU of your client node.
Unzip the file to use helm and move the file to its desired location.
tar -zxvf helm-v3.7.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helmCheck to see if the installation was successful:
helm help
If you see the following message, it means that it has been installed normally.
The Kubernetes package manager
Common actions for Helm:
helm search: search for charts
helm pull: download a chart to your local directory to view
helm install: upload the chart to Kubernetes
helm list: list releases of charts
Environment variables:
Name Description $HELM_CACHE_HOME set an alternative location for storing cached files. $HELM_CONFIG_HOME set an alternative location for storing Helm configuration. $HELM_DATA_HOME set an alternative location for storing Helm data. ...
Kustomize is one of the package management tools that helps to deploy and manage multiple Kubernetes resources at once.
- Download the binary version of kustomize v3.10.0 in the current folder.
For Linux amd64
wget https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/releases/download/kustomize%2Fv3.10.0/kustomize_v3.10.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
Other OS can be downloaded from kustomize/v3.10.0 after checking.
Unzip to use kustomize, and change the file location.
tar -zxvf kustomize_v3.10.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv kustomize /usr/local/bin/kustomizeCheck if it is installed correctly.
kustomize help
If you see the following message, it means that it has been installed normally.
Manages declarative configuration of Kubernetes.
See https://sigs.k8s.io/kustomize
kustomize [command]
Available Commands:
build Print configuration per contents of kustomization.yaml
cfg Commands for reading and writing configuration.
completion Generate shell completion script
create Create a new kustomization in the current directory
edit Edits a kustomization file
fn Commands for running functions against configuration.
CSI Plugin : Local Path Provisioner
The CSI Plugin is a module that is responsible for storage within Kubernetes. Install the CSI Plugin, Local Path Provisioner, which is easy to use in single node clusters.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/local-path-provisioner/v0.0.20/deploy/local-path-storage.yaml
If you see the following messages, it means that the installation was successful:
namespace/local-path-storage created
serviceaccount/local-path-provisioner-service-account created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/local-path-provisioner-role created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/local-path-provisioner-bind created
deployment.apps/local-path-provisioner created
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/local-path created
configmap/local-path-config createdAlso, check if the provisioner pod in the local-path-storage namespace is Running by executing the following command:
kubectl -n local-path-storage get pod
If successful, it will display the following output:
local-path-provisioner-d744ccf98-xfcbk 1/1 Running 0 7m
Execute the following command to change the default storage class:
kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
If the command is successful, the following output will be displayed:
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/local-path patched
Verify that the default storage class has been set:
kubectl get sc
Check if there is a storage class with the name
local-path (default)
local-path (default) rancher.io/local-path Delete WaitForFirstConsumer false 2h