4.2. Minikube
1. Prerequisite
Before setting up a Kubernetes cluster, install the necessary components on the cluster.
Please refer to Install Prerequisite to install the necessary components on the cluster before installing Kubernetes.
Minikube binary
Install the v1.24.0 version of the Minikube binary to use Minikube.
wget https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/download/v1.24.0/minikube-linux-amd64
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
Check if it is installed properly.
minikube version
If this message appears, it means the installation was successful.
mlops@ubuntu:~$ minikube version
minikube version: v1.24.0
commit: 76b94fb3c4e8ac5062daf70d60cf03ddcc0a741b
2. Setup Kubernetes Cluster
Now let's build the Kubernetes cluster using Minikube.
To facilitate the smooth use of GPUs and communication between cluster and client, Minikube is run using the driver=none
option. Please note that this option must be run as root user.
Switch to root user.
sudo su
Run minikube start
to build the Kubernetes cluster for Kubeflow's smooth operation, specifying the Kubernetes version as v1.21.7 and adding --extra-config
minikube start --driver=none \
--kubernetes-version=v1.21.7 \
--extra-config=apiserver.service-account-signing-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/sa.key \
Disable default addons
When installing Minikube, there are default addons that are installed. We will disable any addons that we do not intend to use.
minikube addons disable storage-provisioner
minikube addons disable default-storageclass
Confirm that all addons are disabled.
minikube addons list
If the following message appears, it means that the installation was successful.
root@ubuntu:/home/mlops# minikube addons list
| ambassador | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| auto-pause | minikube | disabled | google |
| csi-hostpath-driver | minikube | disabled | kubernetes |
| dashboard | minikube | disabled | kubernetes |
| default-storageclass | minikube | disabled | kubernetes |
| efk | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| freshpod | minikube | disabled | google |
| gcp-auth | minikube | disabled | google |
| gvisor | minikube | disabled | google |
| helm-tiller | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| ingress | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| ingress-dns | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| istio | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| istio-provisioner | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| kubevirt | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| logviewer | minikube | disabled | google |
| metallb | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| metrics-server | minikube | disabled | kubernetes |
| nvidia-driver-installer | minikube | disabled | google |
| nvidia-gpu-device-plugin | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| olm | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| pod-security-policy | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| portainer | minikube | disabled | portainer.io |
| registry | minikube | disabled | google |
| registry-aliases | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| registry-creds | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| storage-provisioner | minikube | disabled | kubernetes |
| storage-provisioner-gluster | minikube | disabled | unknown (third-party) |
| volumesnapshots | minikube | disabled | kubernetes |
3. Setup Kubernetes Client
Now, let's install the necessary tools for smooth usage of Kubernetes on the client machine. If the client and cluster nodes are not separated, please note that you need to perform all the operations as the root user.
If the client and cluster nodes are separated, first, we need to retrieve the Kubernetes administrator credentials from the cluster to the client.
Check the config on the cluster:
# Cluster node
minikube kubectl -- config view --flattenThe following information will be displayed:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS1CRUd....
extensions:name: minikube contexts:
- extension:
last-update: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 06:55:46 UTC
provider: minikube.sigs.k8s.io
version: v1.24.0
name: cluster_info
server: - context:
cluster: minikube
extensions:name: minikube current-context: minikube kind: Config preferences: {} users:
- extension:
last-update: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 06:55:46 UTC
provider: minikube.sigs.k8s.io
version: v1.24.0
name: context_info
namespace: default
user: minikube - name: minikube
client-certificate-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJTi....
client-key-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....
Create the
folder on the client node:# Client node
mkdir -p /home/$USER/.kubePaste the information obtained from Step 2 into the file and save it:
vi /home/$USER/.kube/config
4. Install Kubernetes Default Modules
Please refer to Setup Kubernetes Modules to install the following components:
- helm
- kustomize
- CSI plugin
- [Optional] nvidia-docker, nvidia-device-plugin
5. Verify Successful Installation
Finally, check that the node is Ready, and check the OS, Docker, and Kubernetes versions.
kubectl get nodes -o wide
If this message appears, it means that the installation has completed normally.
ubuntu Ready control-plane,master 2d23h v1.21.7 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 5.4.0-91-generic docker://20.10.11