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2. Deploy SeldonDeployment

Deploy with SeldonDeployment

Let's deploy our trained model as an API using SeldonDeployment. SeldonDeployment is a custom resource definition (CRD) defined to deploy models as REST/gRPC servers on Kubernetes.

1. Prerequisites

We will conduct the SeldonDeployment related practice in a new namespace called seldon-deploy. After creating the namespace, set seldon-deploy as the current namespace.

kubectl create namespace seldon-deploy
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=seldon-deploy

2. Define Spec

Generate a yaml file to deploy SeldonDeployment. In this page, we will use a publicly available iris model. Because this iris model is trained through the sklearn framework, we use SKLEARN_SERVER.

cat <<EOF > iris-sdep.yaml
kind: SeldonDeployment
name: sklearn
namespace: seldon-deploy
name: iris
- graph:
children: []
implementation: SKLEARN_SERVER
modelUri: gs://seldon-models/v1.12.0-dev/sklearn/iris
name: classifier
name: default
replicas: 1

Deploy yaml file.

kubectl apply -f iris-sdep.yaml

Check if the deployment was successful through the following command.

kubectl get pods --selector seldon-app=sklearn-default -n seldon-deploy

If everyone runs, similar results will be printed.

NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sklearn-default-0-classifier-5fdfd7bb77-ls9tr 2/2 Running 0 5m

Ingress URL

Now, send a inference request to the deployed model to get the inference result. The API created by the SeldonDeployment follows the following rule: http://{NODE_IP}:{NODE_PORT}/seldon/{namespace}/{seldon-deployment-name}/api/v1.0/{method-name}/


Since Seldon Core was installed with Ambassador as the Ingress Controller, all APIs created by SeldonDeployment can be requested through the Ambassador Ingress gateway.

Therefore, first set the url of the Ambassador Ingress Gateway as an environment variable.

export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{ $.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address }')
export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get service ambassador -n seldon-system -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")

Check the set url.


It should be outputted similarly as follows, and if set through the cloud, you can check that internal IP address is set.


namespace / seldon-deployment-name

This refers to the namespace and seldon-deployment-name where the SeldonDeployment is deployed and used to define the values defined in the metadata when defining the spec.

name: sklearn
namespace: seldon-deploy

In the example above, namespace is seldon-deploy, seldon-deployment-name is sklearn.


In SeldonDeployment, the commonly used method-name has two options:

  1. doc
  2. predictions

The detailed usage of each method is explained below.

Using Swagger

First, let's explore how to use the doc method, which allows access to the Swagger generated by Seldon.

1. Accessing Swagger

According to the provided ingress URL rules, you can access the Swagger documentation using the following URL:


2. Selecting Swagger Predictions

In the Swagger UI, select the /seldon/seldon-deploy/sklearn/api/v1.0/predictions endpoint.


3. Choosing Try it out


4. Inputting data in the Request body


Enter the following data into the Request body.

"data": {
"ndarray":[[1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0]]

5. Check the inference results

You can click the Execute button to obtain the inference result.


If everything is executed successfully, you will obtain the following inference result.

"data": {
"names": [
"ndarray": [
"meta": {
"requestPath": {
"classifier": "seldonio/sklearnserver:1.11.2"

Using CLI

Also, you can use http client CLI tools such as curl to make API requests. For example, requesting /predictions as follows

curl -X POST http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT/seldon/seldon-deploy/sklearn/api/v1.0/predictions \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "data": { "ndarray": [[1,2,3,4]] } }'

You can confirm that the following response is outputted normally.
